SonoKino podcasts

SonoKino 015

SonoKino 015 – John Lurie + Jim Jarmusch / Permanent Vacation + Stranger than Paradise + Down by Law + Mystery Train.

Ce soir dans SonoKino, les musiques de John Lurie pour les films de son pote Jim Jarmusch.

Permanent Vacation (1980)
01 – Over the Rainbow Improvisations Variations

Stranger than Paradise (1984)
02 – Bella by Barlight
03 – Car Cleveland
04 – Sad Trees
05 – The Lamposts are Mine
06 – Car Florida
07 – Eva & Willie’s Room
08 – Beer for Boy’s
09 – Eva Packing
10 – The Good and Happy Army
11 – A Woman can Take You to Another Universe; Sometimes She just leaves You There

Down by Law (1986)
12 – What do You Know about Music, You’re not a Lawyer
13 – Strangers in the Day
14 – Promenade du Maquereau
15 – The Invasion of Poland
16 – Please Come to my House
17 – Are You Warm Enough ?
18 – Swamp (Part.1 & 2)
19 – Are You Warm Enough Again ?
20 – The King of Thailand, the Queen of Stairs
21 – A Hundred Miles from Harry
22 – Nicoletta can’t Cook
23 – Fork in the Road

Mystery Train (1989)
24 – Mystery Train – Suite
25 – Tuesday Night in Memphis – Suite
26 – Girls – Suite
27 – Italian Walk
28 – A Lawyer can’t Take You to Another Planet – Suite
29 – Tuesday Night in Memphis – Suite (Part.2)
30 – A Lawyer can’t Take You to Another Planet – Suite (Part.2)
31 – Dream Sun King
32 – Chaucer Street
33 – Tuesday Night in Memphis

tous titres par John Lurie (1980- 1989).

quelques liens

John Lurie art

John Lurie – bandcamp

Jim Jarmusch – Instagram

John Lurie – a lounge lizard alone – Documentary (1990)

Fishing with John – episode 1 with Jim Jarmusch (1992)